I found Safe Haven

October 16, 2016  •  2 Comments

This Blog is dedicated to my Mom, She was supposed to be with me on this trip, it was gonna be her and I's trip, We both saw the movie Safe Haven together and I showed her all the SH movie location sites we planned to visit. But she was never well enough to travel after the Cancer diagnosis. looking up into the sun every sunrise I felt her there.

Personally I always wanted to Visit this Little Harbor town after seeing the Movie Safe Haven,  When Julianne Hough's Character got off the Bus , looked around and decided not to get back on, I thought the same thing, What a Charming little town to settle down and get away from things. I totally could see myself retiring here!

I spent 3 days and 2 nights in Southport Staying at the Riverside Motel, right down there on the water. Loved the restaurants and people of this town. made a couple new friends.

This was the end of my yearly 2 week Photography vacation, I've never been to South Carolina nor this part of North Carolina so decided it was time to explore the seascapes of this area.  the Vacation started out at the outer banks of Duck, NC  where my friends rent a house there each year at this time, I was also asked to photograph my Friends wedding on the beach as well,  you can check out those pictures as well as seascapes from Myrtle Beach and the Charleston area's in this public FB album 


or my Flickr page I usually post some of my bests but my facebook album has all the pics so far


PS If your a fan of Julianne Hough check out the concert section of my portfolio here, After Julianne left Dancing with the Stars as a pro dancer she was a country singer for awhile. Being I'm a Country Music photograher I photographed a few of her shows, check em out.


Enjoy the Photographs.

We'll see you again sometime soon Southport!

From The Movie the Actress who play Jo (Cobie Smulders) said this and it rang true to my heart

"Promise me something Katie, that you'll take alot of pictures, you'll only regret the ones that you did'nt take"

I've been asked a few times over the years why you take so many photo's, be it concerts, trips I take , or motorsports and my answer is along those lines, Plus I Love Love Love the process from planning the trip to sitting here on my pc creating something artisic from my Photo's,  It is without a doubt my true calling in life to do this, whether someday I get recognized professionally or not, does'nt matter, its my time, its my outlet, my Safe Haven


Jo also said "God will you look at that sunlight, Incandesent today, it would make a great photo"

you can click on any of these photo's and it will take you to a gallery and you can view them bigger

Yesterday I took the time to make some screencaps from the movie to go along with the photo's I photographed, In my life I never been to a movie set before (that I know of , probally drove right through some haha just never set out to check out a movie scene ) but yeah there were a few places that I knew from the movie that I wanted to see and photograph,  Alex's house, The American fish company/Ivans fish shack where Katie worked , fort fisher ferry and fort fisher state park where some of the scene's were filmed,   if you recognize something else in the movie well the rest of the pictures is just blind luck me capturing it.

The Movie Safe Haven is a Gem of a movie and the Ending gets me everytime, have tissues handy.  Julianne and Josh played these characters super super well. top notch acting from them!  give it a Rent!  5 stars in my book.

Alex's house, judging by how Prestine it looks in person now looks like the home owners let them weather it down a bit for the movie scenes.

Tree swing is no longer there :(

I took a picture of that sign on the yellow building in the background not knowing it was in the movie, such a neat looking sign.  

Hard to believe they Built Alex's general store only to burn it down for the movie, such a neat looking store but to this date there is nothing there in Southport, just built it there for the movie.

I rode this ferry from fisher island at sunset one night and when I left soutport I took it back in the morning, $5 cheap ride  takes about 25 minutes but saves you a hour + drive.

These next few pics would be the view from Alex's house, would love this view everyday!

After rewatching the movie when I got home I Did'nt know this at the time of the picture but right behind me is the pier that Julianne's Character slept at overnight(well the way they edited the movie seemed like it)  but yeah 

One of the last scene's where Jo and Katie/Erin walk to that tree swing was filmed here  to the right of this pic was the tree they hung the swing from,  did'nt know that until I rewatched the movie when home,  that is the visitors center for southport, you'll find alot of cool stuff in there as well as the Safe Haven Exhibit you'll see later down in pictures.  btw was taking a picture of capnsubi there on vaca :)

screencaps I made from the movie of the Letters then This is the Safe Haven movie Exhibit inside the Visitors center,  lots of neat momento's donated from the actors and production company.

Neat seeing the doors from Alex's store and the bike Katie rode.


Last morning here I did not want to leave it was incandesent :)  made a pretty picture.

Thats about it,  hope you enjoyed my trip, please like and share if you liked. Also send it along to someone that has'nt seen the movie,  I left out spoilers on purpose for that. or send it along if you liked my Photography.  Explore my Portfolio here, I can take pics of other cool stuff, so I'm told ;)









joyce bender(non-registered)
love this movie /my favorite of all times
Very nice! (found your site thru a link from captainsteve)
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