Hey Alls I wanted to type out and share how my day went for this mission of getting a decent picture(hopefully) for my portfolio here.
I've never have took a full frame shot of a snowy in flight, the perch shots are ok but I was seeking a flight shot, 2008 It was me seeing a snowy owl in flight shot coming straight at the photographer in the snow is what made me buy my first Digital SLR a Canon 40D, she took it with that camera and I wanted to seek out that shot someday. After today I Still don't have that dream shot but I think there is a snowy owl flight shot here I'll add to my portfolio, pretty happy with my flight sequence. I waited on this owl 2 1/4 hours to get that flight shot you'll see below, I woke up at 1:30am could not get back to sleep, laid there until my alarm went off at 3:30am, I have a 2hr 40 min drive which turned into a 3hr drive with all the ice on the roads this morning.
Got there at Fish Point wildlife refugee about 45 minutes before sunrise found this guy sitting near the road and took the first photo, pretty much in the dark, this was iso 12,800 at 1/20 SS wide open f5.6 at 7:44am sunrise was a little past 8
he took off, here's me attempting to pan the shot at 1/20 at 10,000 iso haha well I tried to make the shots artsy. not prints at all, still cool motion.
He landed pole back, so I put the subi in reverse and backed up to him for these, he was def hunting looking all around him for two hours
Got tired
pooped, thats usually a sign for a flight upcoming
I see him squat for a launch, I'm ready! baring it pretty owl!
Nearly all of these launch/flight shots I had to remove the powerline stuff around or on the Owl via various content aware tools in the latest version of photoshop.
I see a second and only other owl I'll see of the day, sitting here
I see her perk up and get antsy for maybe a flight
And I really missed the flight, this is the best (Not really focused) and only pic of the launch
A Northern harrier doing his thing
Same snowy I first photographed here about noon time shortly before I left
And thats all, Thanks for looking and supporting me in 2018. Lets make 2019 superb! Happy New year Everyone.